Youtube動画 / For Youtube【80K views】


Youtube動画 / For Youtube【80K views】


Illustrator , Photoshop , Premiere Pro , After Effects



Persona: Women in their 30s and 40s
Colour specification: brown/pink
Atmosphere : Cute


デザイン 1時間 / アイキャッチ画像 1時間 / 動画制作 2時間 / アニメーション制作 2時間

Design 1 hour / Eye-catching images 1 hour / Video production 2 hours / Animation production 2 hours


トランジションアニメーションに関して、クライアントからの希望が「可愛い」のため、犬のイラストをIllustratorで作成し、After Effectsに取り込んで動きをつけました。2秒間の間に、足跡や犬の耳を動かし、Youtubeのトピックが変わる間のトランジションとして、円状など、丸みのある形を使い、可愛い雰囲気のアニメーションを制作しました。

We created a Youtube video, transition animations and eye-catching images.
For the transition animation, the client wanted something ‘cute’, so we created an illustration of a dog in Illustrator, imported it into After Effects and added movement: in a two-second period, we moved the footprints and the dog’s ears, and created an animation with a cute atmosphere using round shapes such as circles as transitions between Youtube topic changes. As transitions, we used rounded shapes, such as circles, to create an animation with a cute atmosphere.
The entire video was created to include an eye-catching image. We added tickers where appropriate, and also added movements such as zooming in and out so that the image section would not become boring.
The video has now been viewed 800,000 times and is one of the most popular contents.