ペットショップのホームぺージ / Pet shop homepage
Photoshop/ Illustrator/ XD/ HTML/ CSS / JavaScript
- 販売ページ 小動物の画像&値段
- ギャラリーページ 小動物の画像
- お問い合わせフォーム
- 会社概要(あまり目立たない程度)
- 背景は白、水色、ピンクなど
- ゴシック体で見やすいフォント
- 画像中心のサイト
- シンプル、可愛らしいサイト
- チンチラ(動物)のイラストのロゴ
- コラージュのキービジュアル
問い合わせフォームはgoogle formを埋め込み、スプレッドシートなどで管理しやすくする。
The client has some knowledge of the web, but has given up on creating a website and would like to update it if possible. The client wants to advertise and receive enquiries in the future, so the client has ordered the creation of the website.
◆ Contents
Sales page: images and prices of small animals
Gallery page: images of small animals
Enquiry form
Company profile (not too obvious)
White, light blue, pink etc. background
Gothic, easy-to-read font
Image-oriented site
Simple, cute site
Logo with chinchilla (animal) illustration
Collage key visuals
◆Objectives for this site
To get people who like small animals to inquire through the enquiry form,
To lead to an actual visit to the shop.
To increase the contact rate with the enquiry button and the click rate by placing the button in an easily recognisable position and also in each animal sales location.
The colour is also set to the complementary colour of the key colour to make it stand out.
◆Client’s wishes
The client wants to manage the site themselves, so the layout was designed to make it easy to add images afterwards.
概ね予定通りに進んだが、クライアントとのデータ・確認のやりとりにおいて 多少予定が前後した。
Production period 1 month (1 week for design/ 1 week for coding/ 1 week for revisions/ 1 week for meetings)
Generally progressed according to schedule, but there were a few delays in exchanging data and confirmations with the client.
Due to the clients’ wish to update the path settings themselves, the path settings are summarised in a table.
フォント/ Fonts :noto sans JP
カラーコード / Color codes: #A9E1FE #D4946F #FFE259 #FFC0CB
Wireframes initially presented to the client.
Site map created based on interviews and wireframes
◆ロゴデザイン / logo design
Created in Illustrator from a photograph for a chinchilla logo request.
◆キービジュアル(コラージュ)/ Key visuals (collage)
余白が欲しいということから、B案に決定した。/ The decision was made to go with proposal B because of the need for margins.
ヒアリングの際に、ヒアリングシートを用いたが、 同じ”かわいい”でも、どのような”かわいい”なのかが、個人の価値観によって異なるため、 細かいニュアンスの部分を、汲み取ることが難しいと思った。 また、最初の時点で出来るだけゴール地点をお互いにすり合わせることで、 今後の作業や打ち合わせに無駄がなくなるため、 ヒアリングが実は一番大事かつコミュニケーションが必要となる作業と感じた。その後も、画像を送っていただいたり、 デザインを確認していただいたり、 その都度細かなやりとりが必要となるため、 自分から伝えるときも端的に、分かりやすく伝えることを心掛けた。
I was in charge of everything from interviews to design, coding and server upload.
We used a hearing sheet for the interviews, but even if it is the same ‘cute’, what kind of ‘cute’ it is depends on the individual’s sense of values, so it was difficult to grasp the detailed nuances, It was difficult to understand the detailed nuances of the word ‘cute’. In addition, we felt that the hearing is actually the most important and communicative part of the process, as it is important to agree on the goal point as much as possible at the beginning, so that there is no waste in future work and meetings. After that, I tried to communicate in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner, as detailed communication was necessary each time, such as when I asked the client to send images or check the design.